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Almost 1000 residents ‘try before they apply’ at Tendring Jobs & Skills Fair


Residents looking for their next career or training opportunities tried out different skills at the Tendring Jobs and Skills Fair this week.

Almost 1,000 people attended the event at the Princes Theatre in Clacton on Thursday (28 September) and had the opportunity to ‘try before they apply’ a range of jobs, such as bricklaying, and wind farm and car maintenance.

The event was organised by Tendring District Council (TDC) in partnership with the Department for Work and Pensions (Jobcentre Plus) as part of the Tendring4Growth Business Fortnight.

Fifty-three exhibitors attended offering careers or skills training, providing fun, interactive activities showcasing the various skills people may need for jobs in that industry – allowing attendees to see what they may enjoy or have a flair for.

Popular activities included a timed tyre change ‘pit stop challenge’, virtual reality simulation of working at an offshore windfarm, and bricklaying.

Cllr Ivan Henderson, TDC Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism, said there was an impressive number of opportunities available for residents.

“It was fantastic to see the Jobs and Skills Fair attracted so many people interested in exploring the diverse careers and skills available throughout the district,” Cllr Henderson said.

“The interactive activities created a vibrant atmosphere that brought to life the job roles and training opportunities on offer, and we hope that those who came will be enthused to take up these life-changing opportunities.”

The Tendring4Growth Business Fortnight continues into next week, with free events offering business support and networking for women in business, the creative sector, increasing inclusivity in the workplace, and information about the opportunities available through Freeport East.

To find out more about the events happening next week and to reserve a place, please visit the Tendring4Growth Eventbrite page.

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