Clacton Civic Quarter

Government notified the Council in January 2023 that it had been successful in its Clacton LUF bid for:

Clacton Hub:  creation of a brand new skills and learning hub, bringing together the Adult Community Learning centre and the Library, with proposals for the University of Essex’s new Centre for Coastal Communities to join the building.

Carnarvon Terrace: delivery of 28 much-needed well-designed new homes, improvements to the existing carpark, and creation of new ‘maker space units’ for retail entrepreneurs.

The funding has conditions on it detailing themes and areas for which it must be spent; for example, the Brownfield Land Release Fund which paid for demolition of Carnarvon House, must be used to support at least some housing delivery.


There are no consultations at this time, but keep checking back for updates and future consultations.